The interceptor

You go to your fridge to grab the last can of soda. You peel the 6 ring plastic off and put it in the trash without hesitation. Have you ever wondered where your plastic ends up? Well, there's a good chance it can end up in the ocean or a river. What does our future look like for our oceans and rivers? The interceptor is a solar-powered boat like an invention that cleans up plastics in oceans and rivers. It works 24/7 and can extract 50,000 kilograms of plastics a day. This invention can save the future of our oceans and rivers. You might be wondering, who invented the interceptor, a man named Boyan Slat created this invention that can impact our future. It is currently being used across the world such as in the Cengkareng drain in Jarakata Indonesia. There is an immediate need for this innovation, we don't know what our future will look like if we keep heading in this direction. The Ocean Cleanup has a clear motive to make the world a cleaner place to live and we could finally be looking at a bright future for our oceans and rivers.

What motivated Boyan Slat? I believe that Boyan Slatt saw the pollution in our oceans and rivers, and had the motivation to do something about it. They saw the issue and found a way to solve it to make this world a cleaner place to live. They created the interceptor to work all over the world because plastic can end up anywhere. This innovation is very important to the global community because 80% of the pollution of the world is due to plastics in our oceans and rivers. According to The Ocean Clean up " Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, of which the majority spills out from rivers. A portion of this plastic travels to ocean garbage patches, getting caught in a vortex of circulating currents. If no action is taken, the plastic will increasingly impact our ecosystems, health, and economies." This shows the negative impact of plastic has on our future. Luckily The Ocean Cleanup has a goal to clean 90% of the ocean pollution

This single invention can completely change the global community with the goals that they are setting. There are different regions of this world that are in desperate need if this invention such as Asia. There are both positive and negative factors that the interceptor has, such as it extracts plastics out of our oceans and rivers but what happens to it after?

This invention has such a good impact on the modern global community that could save our future.

“The Ocean Cleanup.” The Ocean Cleanup, 26 Oct. 1970, 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This blog sounds very good, I looked over the rubric while reading this, and to better it, and stretch to the four, you could connect this to an innovation from the Renaissance or the Age of Discovery. You also may want to further elaborate on the negative impacts that this has, because you left a lot bout it to be desired.

  3. This was a well done blog and I was wondering how the interceptor cleans up the ocean garbage patches and what precisely the ocean garbage patches are.


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