The Interceptor

          It's any old Thursday night, and you're at home, eating your microwave easy dinner and drinking your plastic bottled water. You finish, get up, and throw both away. Do you ever wonder where that plastic goes? Every year, 0.8-2.7 metric tons of trash make their way to the ocean through river passage. A new invention by Boyan Slat, called the Interceptor, is making big strides in combatting plastic from entering rivers. The Interceptor is a floating device that captures garbage before it can make its way into our oceans. Three of these machines are already deployed in Indonesia, Malesia, Vietnam, while a fourth is making its way to the Dominican Republic. Where this machine is being developed is not completely implicit, and certain parts of the machine are developed in different places. This invention is majorly important and has the capacity to collect 110,000 pounds of trash per day. Boyan Slat has stated that 80% of the plastic in the ocean comes primarily from 1000 of the world's rivers. This invention could be a gigantic part in stopping that flow of plastic or at least capturing most of it.

       This invention is another important step on the way to helping our earth recover. Boyan Slat deeply cares about the state of the Ocean and wants to prevent further harm. This is portrayed in many ways. For example, he stated that "Deploying Interceptors is even cheaper than deploying nothing at all". This quote portrays his urgency to sell this invention and shows that he believes doing nothing to help our planet will destroy the planet entirely. Secondly, his website states that in his personal opinion, 1,000 rivers are to blame for 80% of the plastic flowing into the oceans and that he wants to tackle them all in the coming five years. This shows that he is ambitious and eager to do his part with his invention and to help the earth recover as quickly as is possible.

        The Ocean is a majorly important part of our Earth, and Slat is improving the overall well-being of the Ocean as much as possible with this invention. The Ocean produces about 50% of the worlds' oxygen and helps to regulate our climate, but it is currently being destroyed by plastic. This invention is attempting to fix that by starting at the root of the problem and working to prevent any more plastic from entering and advancing the dire situation. Evidence has shown that 4 million metric tons of trash flow into the ocean from rivers and this invention is directly attempting to curb that trash from ever reaching that final destination. He has proven through his overall effort in releasing this invention that he is determined to help the earth in a greatly positive way.

       The Interceptor will have a greatly positive impact on the world. There's little that could go wrong with an invention like this, and everything that could go right. The worst-case scenario is that the invention will not be able to collect enough trash, but even if this happens, it will still make a positive impact. The design has been well thought out, and is expected to work well by many experts. Many countries are eager to buy the machine and already have placed orders for one. All in all, Boyan Slat is working towards a better future with the Interceptor, and the outcome is expected to be extremely beneficial for our Earth.

       MLA CITATION: Corder, Mike. “Inventor Unveils a Device to Scoop Plastic out of Rivers.” Time, Time, 28 Oct. 2019,




  1. When you said there is little that could go wrong maybe elaborate on what these possibilities are

    1. I responded to a similar comment below, but to elaborate on those possibilites, human error could also affect the invention greatly. If the people who are responsible for emptying the dumpsters once full or flip the dumpster, a lot of trash could pass unnoticed.

  2. Your blog was very informational but you could be more specific about the possibilities for the invention to go wrong.

    1. The Interceptor could possibly flip over if there was intense waves. It could also be hit by any passing boats.

  3. In the first paragraph, you said that the invention has the capacity to collect 110,000 pounds of trash per day. How much trash does the invention actually collect each day? And where does the trash go?

    1. The Interceptor can collect up to that much trash, but how much it does collect depends on the day and how much trash there is to collect. The trash is evenly distributed by the machine between its dumpsters inside until it is full.


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