Sound Wave Fire Extinguisher

Boomers say Millenials don’t accomplish anything, they just procrastinate.  These 2 Millenials just made the biggest innovation in fire-fighting technology since the first fire extinguisher.  Their invention is an acoustic fire extinguisher.  It is an amplifier surrounded by a cardboard collimator to focus the sound.  It produces very low frequency (30-60Hz) bass sounds, like those in hip-hop or dubstep.  Sound waves are fundamentally pressured waves, henceforth they are able to create a vacuum and pull the oxygen molecules in from around the fire.  Since oxygen is the fuel of the fire, the bass takes the fuel away from the fire, effectively killing it.  Seth Robertson and Viet Tran invented this in 2016.  It will be used in the near future on the space station, on drones to put out forest fires, in the house to put out small fires like grease fires, the possible applications are plentiful.  It is being further developed at George Manson University in Fairfax, Virginia.  It creates an easy, effective, and clean way of eliminating fires.

It wasn’t easy for these to kids to make this extinguisher.  They were driven and motivated to create this, they see a purpose in it.  The sound wave fire extinguisher was invented to solve the problems involving fire.  To stop grease fires before it takes a house, to stop forest fires before it engulfs the forest, to stop fires on the space station to save lives of researchers, etc.  The first demonstration the students did was with a grease fire in a pan and they successfully put it out using their extinguisher.  Additionally, when they were interviewed, the students used the example of grease fires and suggested that they could develop it onto drones and use it to put out grease fires and sell to NASA to put on the ISS.  It is important globally because it can help efficiently put out forest fires and help kill fires on the space station.  One of the big problems in California and more recently the Amazon is forest fires.  The Californian wildfires have been raging on for a long time and it would be beneficial to the smokejumpers and firefighters to have drones to put out the fires.  The current way to put out forest fires uses a lot of people, a lot of resources, and takes a lot of time for it to work.  A large hoard could put out a fire quickly, efficiently, and without casualties.  It would also be beneficial to the researchers on the ISS because it gives them more time to research and less time needed to clean up from their controlled fire.  This can also save resources on the ISS from being contaminated.    It will have a positive impact on the world by helping to combat the Californian forest fires and the Amazon fire, among others.  It will also help to combat grease fires, reduce the home destruction from those, and increase the efficiency of experiments on the space station.  It will even increase the yearly income for drone pilots and drone company's, helping out the American economy.  It will open up more jobs in drone flying and bring new techniques to fire fighting.  It will also save the government and NASA a lot of money annually.

Two Engineering Students Invent A Sonic Fire Extinguisher


“Fighting Fire with Sound: Wave Extinguisher.” ESO, 28 Aug. 2018,

Engineering, Interesting. “Two Engineering Students Invent A Sonic Fire Extinguisher.” Interesting Engineering, Interesting Engineering, 12 Mar. 2018,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This was a wicked cool invention! My question is what made them think to use soundwaves in the first place? Just fooling around, or thoughtful research?

  3. Matthew, you stated in your blog about the sound wave fire extinguisher, "It will be used in the near future on the space station, on drones to put out forest fires, in the house to put out small fires like grease fires, the possible applications are plentiful. It is being further developed at George Manson University in Fairfax, Virginia. It creates an easy, effective, and clean way of eliminating fires." Obviously if it could put a stop to forest fires that would be incredible, but I have questions about the small house fires. Is it more effective than using a regular fire extinguisher? We can never run out of sound waves, but is there something inside a normal fire extinguisher that is a pollutant to the environment or non renewable that makes it a better idea to use the sound wave fire extinguisher?

  4. This was a very good blog and it was very well-written. I have a couple questions on your blog. You say "It wasn’t easy for these to kids to make this extinguisher. They were driven and motivated to create this, they see a purpose in it. " You should explain more about how they made the extinguisher. I am very curious about this.


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