Gene Therapy

What if there is a gene that can treat or prevent diseases? A new gene that is in your body to help fight infectious diseases or illness? That is gene therapy! Gene Therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent disease. Jerome H. Lemelson and J. Kevin Parker invented Gene Therapy. Gene Therapy is used to correct defective genes to cure diseases or help your body to better fight the disease. A four-year-old girl became the first gene therapy patient on September 14, 1990, at the NIH clinical center. She has ADA, a genetic disease that leaves her defenseless against infections.   Some needs of this innovation are that it helps defend your immune system from types of diseases like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and many more. 
Gene Therapy is very important and it is very crucial to learn about the history of it. What motivates people to develop this invention was that there were many people dying because of disease and infections. For example, many people died in “The New World” because Europeans brought diseases to America. 90% of American's deaths were from diseases and infections. There is Gene Therapy for cancer. One of the first Gene Therapy was approved in Europe and it was developed by UniQure. It was created in Europe because Eupoeans carried many diseases when they moved to America. This was a huge problem for the U.S because it wiped out most of the Americans. What can also motivate people to develop this invention is seeing their loved ones or someone they know go through a certain disease or cancer. According to ̈National Cancer Institute,” it states, ̈Cancer has a major impact on society in the United States and across the world. The number of cancer deaths is 163.5 per 100,000 men and women per year based on 2011–2015 deaths. Cancer mortality is higher among men than women (196.8 per 100,000 men and 139.6 per 100,000 women).¨ This explains the effect cancer has on the world and the people. No one wants to be killed by cancer and Gene Therapy helps limited the rate. Gene Therapy helps fight whatever bad is going on in your body and helps limit.
Gene Therapy has a great future ahead and it already impacts the world tremendously. Gene Therapy is important to the global community because it can help anyone that is dealing with bad immune systems and cure it or helps your body defend it. Gene Therapy replaces the mutated genes because certain genes work incorrectly or no longer work. Then, it fixes the mutated genes and the reason for that is healthy genes help prevent diseases. Lastly, it makes diseased cells more noticeable to the immune system. In some cases, your immune system does not attack the diseased cells because it does not recognize it.  The future of this product has a high potential of exceeding expectations. Gene Therapy has been known as a cure for disease or infections that enter your immune system. According to, ̈The Future Of Gene Therapy ̈ Anderson states, “Indeed, within 20 years, I expect that Gene Therapy will be used regularly to ameliorate and even cure many ailments. By 2053, there will be a gene-based treatment for essentially every disease. Cancer, heart disease, and other modern-day scourges will be vastly reduced.” This explains that 30 years from now gene therapy will be used frequently and cure any disease going into your body. This will be a strong influence on people that our fighting diseases because there will be a cure for it and it will be gene therapy. A negative about gene therapy is that it has a very high cost, but paying for it will be worth it. Many parents want them or their kids to feel and be happy and gene therapy will be one very significant way to make them feel better and joyful. Image result for the future of gene therapy and benefits of worldUnfortunately, Gene Therapy is not perfect but nothing in this world is. There is a lot of positives about Gene therapy but there are also some negatives about it. Something positive about gene therapy is that it has been ongoing for decades and it is a source of hope. Gene therapy can eliminate diseases and improve the quality of life. Some of the incurable diseases can be handled and possibly eliminated when we include gene therapy. A negative impact on gene therapy is that it is a costly treatment option. Something positive about gene therapy is that it has been ongoing for decades and it is a source of hope. Gene therapy can eliminate diseases and improve the quality of life. Some of the incurable diseases can be handled and possibly eliminated when we include gene therapy. A negative impact on gene therapy is that it is a costly treatment option. Image result for positive and negative on gene therapyWhat if there is a gene that can treat or prevent diseases? A new gene that is in your body to help fight infectious diseases or illness? That is gene therapy! Gene Therapy is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent disease. Jerome H. Lemelson and J. Kevin Parker invented Gene Therapy. Gene Therapy is used to correct defective genes to cure diseases or help your body to better fight the disease. A four-year-old girl became the first gene therapy patient on September 14, 1990, at the NIH clinical center. She has ADA, a genetic disease that leaves her defenseless against infections.   Some needs of this innovation are that it helps defend your immune system from types of diseases like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and many more

Gene Therapy has a great future ahead and it already impacts the world tremendously. Gene Therapy is important to the global community because it can help anyone that is dealing with bad immune systems and cure it or helps your body defend it. Gene Therapy replaces the mutated genes because certain genes work incorrectly or no longer work. Then, it fixes the mutated genes and the reason for that is healthy genes help prevent diseases. Lastly, it makes diseased cells more noticeable to the immune system. In some cases, your immune system does not attack the diseased cells because it does not recognize it. The future of this product has a high potential of exceeding expectations. Gene Therapy has been known as a cure for disease or infections that enter your immune system. According to, ̈The Future Of Gene Therapy ̈ Anderson states, “Indeed, within 20 years, I expect that Gene Therapy will be used regularly to ameliorate and even cure many ailments. By 2053, there will be a gene-based treatment for essentially every disease. Cancer, heart disease, and other modern-day scourges will be vastly reduced.” This explains that 30 years from now gene therapy will be used frequently and cure any disease going into your body. This will be a strong influence on people that our fighting diseases because there will be a cure for it and it will be gene therapy. A negative about gene therapy is that it has a very high cost, but paying for it will be worth it. Many parents want them or their kids to feel and be happy and gene therapy will be one very significant way to make them feel better and joyful.

Unfortunately, Gene Therapy is not perfect but nothing in this world is. There is a lot of positives about Gene therapy but there are also some negatives about it. Something positive about gene therapy is that it has been ongoing for decades and it is a source of hope. Gene therapy can eliminate diseases and improve the quality of life. Some of the incurable diseases can be handled and possibly eliminated when we include gene therapy. A negative impact on gene therapy is that it is a costly treatment option. Something positive about gene therapy is that it has been ongoing for decades and it is a source of hope. Gene therapy can eliminate diseases and improve the quality of life. Some of the incurable diseases can be handled and possibly eliminated when we include gene therapy. A negative impact on gene therapy is that it is a costly treatment option.

Gene Therapy is very important and it is very crucial to learn about the history of it. What motivates people to develop this invention was that there were many people dying because of disease and infections. For example, many people died in “The New World” because Europeans brought diseases to America. 90% of American's deaths were from diseases and infections. There is Gene Therapy for cancer. One of the first Gene Therapy was approved in Europe and it was developed by UniQure. It was created in Europe because Eupoeans carried many diseases when they moved to America. This was a huge problem for the U.S because it wiped out most of the Americans. What can also motivate people to develop this invention is seeing their loved ones or someone they know go through a certain disease or cancer. According to ̈National Cancer Institute,” it states, ̈Cancer has a major impact on society in the United States and across the world. The number of cancer deaths is 163.5 per 100,000 men and women per year based on 2011–2015 deaths. Cancer mortality is higher among men than women (196.8 per 100,000 men and 139.6 per 100,000 women).¨ This explains the effect cancer has on the world and the people. No one wants to be killed by cancer and Gene Therapy helps limited the rate. Gene Therapy helps fight whatever bad is going on in your body and helps limit.
Gene Therapy has a great future ahead and it already impacts the world tremendously. Gene Therapy is important to the global community because it can help anyone that is dealing with bad immune systems and cure it or helps your body defend it. Gene Therapy replaces the mutated genes because certain genes work incorrectly or no longer work. Then, it fixes the mutated genes and the reason for that is healthy genes help prevent diseases. What is happening in the image is that there is a Viral RNA and human DNA. A part of the human DNA is a therapeutic gene. The therapeutic gene and the Viral DNA unite. Then the Retrovirus attaches to and empties genetic material into the patient's cell. Then a new gene is inserted into the patient's DNA. This is a more complex step in gene therapy and how it works. Lastly, it makes diseased cells more noticeable to the immune system. In some cases, your immune system does not attack the diseased cells because it does not recognize it.  The future of this product has a high potential of exceeding expectations. Gene Therapy has been known as a cure for disease or infections that enter your immune system. According to, ̈The Future Of Gene Therapy ̈ Anderson states, “Indeed, within 20 years, I expect that Gene Therapy will be used regularly to ameliorate and even cure many ailments. By 2053, there will be a gene-based treatment for essentially every disease. Cancer, heart disease, and other modern-day scourges will be vastly reduced.” This explains that 30 years from now gene therapy will be used frequently and cure any disease going into your body. This will be a strong influence on people that our fighting diseases because there will be a cure for it and it will be gene therapy. A negative about gene therapy is that it has a very high cost, but paying for it will be worth it. Many parents want them or their kids to feel and be happy and gene therapy will be one very significant way to make them feel better and joyful. 

Unfortunately, Gene Therapy is not perfect but nothing in this world is. There is a lot of positives about Gene therapy but there are also some negatives about it. Something positive about gene therapy is that it has been ongoing for decades and it is a source of hope. Gene therapy can eliminate diseases and improve the quality of life. Some of the incurable diseases can be handled and possibly eliminated when we include gene therapy. A negative impact on gene therapy is that it is a costly treatment option. Something positive about gene therapy is that it has been ongoing for decades and it is a source of hope. Gene therapy can eliminate diseases and improve the quality of life. Some of the incurable diseases can be handled and possibly eliminated when we include gene therapy. A negative impact on gene therapy is that it is a costly treatment option. My innovation can also relate to the invention of the flush toilet. The flush toilet solved many problems like limiting diseases and bacteria when you go to the bathroom. This also allowed scientists to investigate how diseases operate. Many diseases were killing humans and it happened to their young ones. The gene just kept on getting passed down from each generation and it is damaging their immune system. One of these reasons leads the scientist in inventing gene therapy. A gene that can remove diseases or help the system fight it. Both of these innovations complement each other by finding ways to decrease the number of people that are dying from infections or diseases. Both of these innovations impact the world by solving problems that limited the number of people suffering. 

MLA Citation
McCain, Jack. “The Future of Gene Therapy.” Biotechnology Healthcare, BioCommunications LLC, June 2005,
“Gene Therapy.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 29 Dec. 2017,'s%20done,no%20longer%20work%20at%20all.
“Cancer Statistics.” National Cancer Institute,,and%20139.6%20per%20100%2C000%20women).

“Gene Therapy Pros and Cons.” Biolyse, 3 Nov. 2018,


  1. This is a very well-written blog and it was hard to find any questions, but do you know in which year gene therapy started? You said it was first developed by UniQure in Europe because they were spreading diseases to America. So did it begin a long time ago, or was it started in a more modern time?

    1. Thank you Kyle for commenting on my blog. Gene Therapy was invented in September 14, 1990 at NIH clinical center. She has ADA, a genetic disease which leaves her defenseless against infections. Some needs of this innovation is that it helps defend your immune system from types of diseases like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and many more.

  2. Jared, this blog deserves my best regards. The only question I have is actually two questions. One is what are some of the more complex steps in gene therapy? The other is how do they do some of the more intricate procedures ? Overall though, your blog was well written, and you used great transitions.

    1. In the image that is titled "Gene Transfer Therapy" it somewhat describes what some of the procedures are. If you could explain this more, as I stated in the comment above, that would be very helpful.

    2. Thank you Ian for commenting on my blog. What is happening in the image is that there is a Viral RNA and a human DNA. A part of the human's DNA is a therapeutic gene. The therapeutic gene and the Viral DNA unite. Then the Retrovirus attaches to and empties genetic material into patient's cell. Then a new gene is inserted into patient's cell DNA. This is a more complex steps in gene therapy and how it works.


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