Biodegradable Bags

Biodegradable Bags

Everyone knows about the ‘Save the Turtles’ campaign. Plastic waste into our oceans affects and kills off many sea creatures, like turtles. People think that using metal straws will help, but it really won’t because things like plastic bags are still being thrown into our environment. Plastic bags are one of the most common things to be found outside and in oceans. What can we do to prevent that? How will we make a positive change?

Biodegradable bags are bags that won't hurt the earth if not thrown away properly, or thrown outside. They are even edible for humans and animals, although I wouldn't recommend eating it. It was invented Avani Eco. which was created by individuals who strive to make a positive impact in our world by their products. They make products that are environment-friendly and can shape our future. Avani Eco. is based in Bali which means this is where the product is being developed. The plan for the biodegradable bags started in 2014 and is starting to be spread around now. With enough time and communication, they could be used all around the world at some point! You may be asking why these bags are so important and needed in our world. Well, pollution in our oceans and land is really affecting our world and how we live. There are things spreading around about our world not being around for much longer because of global warming and pollution. These bags could help shape our world and ecosystem. There are also many problems with animals getting a hold of plastic and being suffocated because they think it’s food. These bags are safer and good degrade before animals can even get a hold of them. Let's dive deeper to get a better understanding of this great innovation!

 There are many reasons why this invention is so important and why it was invented. One of them is the animals and creatures on land and in bodies of water. Animals are being killed from eating plastic and plastic bags and after seeing them suffer, people realized something needed to be done about it. Global warming and pollution are also big problems.The website 'Lifestyle' stated, “With a background in biology, medicine, and business management, Kumala is the co-founder of Avani, a company that’s dedicated to helping solve our global plastic-bag problem”(Lifestyle). The problem of plastic bag pollution is worldwide and they made these bags to help our animals and environment, which is what the company is dedicated to. Kumala, the co-founder of Avani, also said, “Our bags provide a total solution to bag waste around the globe. Today signifies the next step in our journey and the opportunity to provide a unique solution to supporting a plastic-bag-free UAE”(Kumala). Avani is trying to create a plastic-bag-free UAE by creating these bags that are safe for the environment and can be eaten by animals. If everyone uses these, we could get rid of plastic bags entirely. 

 This innovation is important to the global community because our world could be in great danger soon if we don't do something about pollution. 'Lifestyle' said, “In fact, if current levels of plastic persist, by 2050 there will be more plastic by weight in the sea than fish”(Lifestyle). That's a huge problem and the bags created could change the way our world will look and be like in the future. If you think about it, there are tons of fish of all shapes and sizes and if there will be more plastic by weight, that's a huge amount of plastic. 'Lifestyle' also explained, “Often used only once, each bag takes hundreds of years to break down, which means they remain in the environment long after we finished with them, blighting cities, choking rivers, and filling the oceans”(Lifestyle). It's not like the bags just go away, they stay in the environment to either be eaten or to destroy ecosystems and other natural places. It's not like we can go out and clean up all of this either, because they are filling our oceans and are being placed everywhere, even places we can't see very well. 

 This innovation will change the world by being so eco-friendly that it won't hurt any life or our world. They could be scattered anywhere and have no harm with anything. Alex Gray from '' says,“It also dissolves in water, so if animals eat it, it won’t cause any harm. They say it’s so safe, in fact, that humans could even swallow it”(Gray). Since these bags dissolve in water, they won't fill up the ocean and all life will be perfectly safe. It shows how safe they are by them explaining that even humans could eat it! Gray also stated, “It can even feed plants - its 100% biodegradable and contains vitamins and minerals, making it a natural fertilizer for plants”(Gray). This proves that ALL LIFE is safe! Plants can even benefit from this wonderful innovation!

 It may be hard to believe, but this bag that looks just like plastic can not only reduce plastic, but be beneficial! It can be a natural fertilizer to plants, and has vitamins that could help all forms of life! They dissolve, which means the world won't be filled with them either. Even though there are other things that could pollute the earth, this is a big step in reducing pollution a ton and making our world a healthier and better place.


  1. How are we going to spread the usage of these bags? Will it be made a requirement for companies to use them or will it just be encouraged?

    1. They are eventually going to be offered as an option EVERYWHERE just like reusable bags at stores now. I think it will be every encouraged,but not required. Well, at least not right away.

  2. How did the company make them? Did they use corn oil, or even orange peels. It seems silly, but depending on how they're made can affect their environment.

    1. Avani used cassava root starch and other natural resins. They also used eco-friendly ink and no petroleum products, which makes them edible and completely safe for our environment.


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